Viking Age: Vikings, the Norse

Viking Age: Vikings, the Norse Web Page

There are several dozen Viking Age related links in my "Viking Age: Jewelry" and "Viking Age: Textile" sections, located at the top of the left-hand menu on my A&S website, Gaeira's Anvil.

Anything that doesn't fall between either category can be found in my section, Viking Age: Vikings, the Norse

VIKINGs/Norse Links

They highlight a wide range of topics, with a bit more attention to metalsmithing and textile arts related to Vikings and Medieval Europe:

Arts: Viking Age Arts and Crafts.

Buriel: Buriel practices and research

Clothing: Resources and links related to Viking Age clothing except for "Female Viking 'Apron' Dress (VAD*)"

'Heraldic' Display: Boat 'weather vanes', other displays and sailing.

Viking/ON Names: Links to resources to help find period Old Norse / Viking Age names.

Runes: Resources and links related to Viking Age Runestones and Picturestones

Conferences and Organizations

Voyages: The expansion and travel by the Vikings/Norse

Miscellany: A mix of topics: the Sagas, Scandinavia(ns), Rus Vikings, etc. 

Known World Heraldic Image Resource

Known World Heraldic Image Resource Web Page
This is my ever growing list of Known World links to images, resources, and information, mainly Heraldic in nature, that I find helpful and informative.
Currently it is called, Known World Heraldic Image Resource on my A&S website, Gaeira's Anvil

Link: Known World Heraldic Image Resource 

Crimson Kraken on Pinterest

Pinterest is a beautiful rabbit hole and one of my homes...with well over 10,000 pins on my board, CKraken, covering jewelry and textiles the Viking Age and beyond. I've posted inspiring images, links to tutorials, research finds, and a variety of resources. Jump in!

Link: CKraken
CKraken on Pinterest

Metal Alloy Table

Metal Alloy Table
I put together a Metal Alloy Table on my A&S website, Gaeira's Anvil.

This table helps to organize the variety of information I found online about Copper and Silver alloys which are spread over many sources and can be confusing. From several years of online searches I found that jewelry and metal supplier rarely used the same name for an alloy, they often used different terms which can lead to confusion and potentially purchasing an incorrect metal alloy than what one wanted. 

CDA #Copper Development Association's standards ID number can be written in many different ways and yet mean the same thing. 

For example CDA #752
or CDA 752 or Alloy 752, etc., can be referred to as Nickle Silver, German Silver, Nickle Alloy, or another term, each is a mix of: 17% Zinc (Zn), 18% Nickle (Ni), and 65% Copper (Cu).

Copper Development Association
 (CDA) "is part of the Copper Alliance, a global network of Copper Centres, with headquarters in New York (International Copper Association, Ltd) and a regional office in Brussels (European Copper Institute).  (...) resource for technical and professional information regarding copper and copper alloys.":

Canadian Copper and Brass Development Association
Copper Development Association Inc. – USA
European Copper Institute 

Information pages and Publications from the CDA:

Alloys on 

"There are more than 400 copper alloys (BrassBronzeNickel SilverGunmetals, etc.), each with a unique combination of properties, to suit many applications, manufacturing processes and environments." SOURCE

Copper is a Family of Alloys: "For many applications, properties of copper can be readily customized. This is achieved by alloying: making a new metal out of two or more different metals. The most well-known copper alloy families are brass (copper-zinc), bronze (copper-tin) and copper-nickel. These actually represent families of alloys, all made by varying the amount of specific alloying elements. Alloys can be made to achieve certain colors, improve strength or corrosion resistance, improve forming or joining properties, or achieve any number of specific demands that the individual elements can't achieve on their own. By combining copper with other metals and adjusting the percentages, alloys are made to fit almost any application."

The Copper Alloys Tree (graphic)
Copper Alloys Color Chart & Copper Alloy Table

Copper Education (also Copper Facts)

Jewelry Sawing Tips

Sawing Tips Sheet

I've put together a helpful Sawing Tips Sheet filled with information, tips, and helpful graphics for jewelry sawing. It can be found on my A&S website, Gaeira's Anvil.

Welcome to my new blog site.

I look forward to posting about my on going projects and research here.

I would like to share with you links to my various online research and A&S related pages and Facebook groups were I post frequently. I hope you find something of interest and helpful.
My A&S projects and research website has two large sections on Viking and Icelandic Vikings, with links and information as well as sections with Metalsmithing and textiles research links, plus my metalsmithing Handouts page and Copper Alloy table:
Gaeira's Anvil is my fb page for my A&S related links where I share my online research and discoveries. I post my metalsmithing related research links as well:
Gaeira's Bench where I post links to tutorials, information, and research on fb mainly on Metalsmithing with additional links to scribal, bookbinding, leather work, etc.:
Gaeira's Spindle is my fb page with my textile research and finds:
I post my food related finds on my friend's fb page, Cooks Guild of IDD
Crimson Kraken is my Pinterest page with a several thousand pins:
