Viking Age: Vikings, the Norse

Viking Age: Vikings, the Norse Web Page

There are several dozen Viking Age related links in my "Viking Age: Jewelry" and "Viking Age: Textile" sections, located at the top of the left-hand menu on my A&S website, Gaeira's Anvil.

Anything that doesn't fall between either category can be found in my section, Viking Age: Vikings, the Norse

VIKINGs/Norse Links

They highlight a wide range of topics, with a bit more attention to metalsmithing and textile arts related to Vikings and Medieval Europe:

Arts: Viking Age Arts and Crafts.

Buriel: Buriel practices and research

Clothing: Resources and links related to Viking Age clothing except for "Female Viking 'Apron' Dress (VAD*)"

'Heraldic' Display: Boat 'weather vanes', other displays and sailing.

Viking/ON Names: Links to resources to help find period Old Norse / Viking Age names.

Runes: Resources and links related to Viking Age Runestones and Picturestones

Conferences and Organizations

Voyages: The expansion and travel by the Vikings/Norse

Miscellany: A mix of topics: the Sagas, Scandinavia(ns), Rus Vikings, etc.